Take a TARDIS trip through the constellations, as the Doctor travels to twelve thrilling tales inspired by the mystical zodiac.
Telepathic fish, miniature lions and twin planets are the least of his problems, as the Doctor all eight of him faces the Capricorn Killer, endures a mindswap with the Machiavellian Master, and dances with Death herself.
And that's not the half of it as the two K9s can attest.
This collection features twelve exclusive short- stories from well-known names in Doctor Who fiction including acclaimed novelist and Booker nominee Paul Magrs, alongside Simon A Forward, Mark Michalowski, Paul Leonard and Joseph Lidster as well as fresh new voices.
Editor Jacqueline Rayner has written more than fifteen books and audio plays, as well as being Project Editor for BBC Books' range of Doctor Who fiction.
The Stories
Leo Simon A. Forward
Virgo Sarah Groenewegen
Libra Simon Guerrier
Scorpio Paul Magrs
Sagittarius Todd Green
Capricorn Joseph Lidster
Aquarius Andrew Collins
Pisces Alison Lawson
Aries Mark Michalowski
Taurus Paul Leonard
Gemini Tony Keetch
Cancer Ian Potter
Each story has a special, astrological introduction by Jim Sangster.