
Doctor Who Magazine

Doctor Who Magazine #457 - Lost Jon Pertwee Interview

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Issue #457 of Doctor Who Magazine features an extensive interview with the Third Doctor, Jon Pertwee, conducted by two young reporters in 1994 and for the most part previously unpublished!

On joining the show, Pertwee said:

"I had no preconceptions about the programme when I joined it. I only knew I did not want to be like the Doctors who had gone before. 
However, the old producers wanted me to play it for laughs, you can see that in the first episode. The hat business. The shower. I had already decided I want to play it straight. Luckily those producers left after the first story and were replaced by Barry Letts who let me play it my way..."

Also in this issue: 
•These are a few of my Favourite Things: Doctor Who's showrunner and head writer, Steven Moffat, replies to DWM readers' questions on Vastra's lips, River's name and his favourite story from each and every Doctor. Some of his answers will surprise you...! 
•It must be Love: Amy and Rory. The Doctor and Rose. Captain Jack and everyone. Yes, just in time for Valentine's Day, Jonathan Morris turns down the lights, gets out the choccies and takes a romantic look at Doctor Who's greatest love stories! 
•Old School: The Eleventh Doctor has the surprise of his lives, as he's reunited with Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright in Coal Hill School! And the shocks don't stop there, as the latest comic strip, Hunters of the Burning Stone by Scottt Gray, with art by Martin Geraghty, continues... 
•Oh, what a Night! DWM uses its beryllium atomic clock to turn back time to 1996, and the momentous evening that Doctor Who returned to TV, starring Paul McGann, as Countdown to 50 continues. 
•Walking on the Moon: There's a plasma-sucking pensioner and Judoon on the Moon, as The Time Team settle down to watch the Tenth Doctor meet Martha in Smith and Jones. What will Chris, Emma, Will and Michael make of it all...? 
•Creepy Crawlies: The Third Doctor faces certain death, while giant arachnids plot to invade the Earth! The Fact of Fiction brushes off the cobwebs from 1974's Planet of the Spiders, Jon Pertwee's final adventure as the Time Lord, and uncovers a wealth of new information and rare photos. 
•Gifts for All! Remember last Christmas? It can be fun time if you're a fan, with Doctor Who goodies galore – but what if you're a parent? Will your kids share your passion? Jacqueline Rayner reveals what happened to her and her family over the festive season in Relative Dimensions. 
•Know Me! Am I... The Doctor? The all-seeing Watcher discusses the delights of Jon Pertwee's seminal single, Who is the Doctor?, challenges readers with a poptastic Six Faces of Delusion and celebrates another Supporting Artist of the Month, in Wotcha!

PLUS! All the latest official news, reviews and previews, a crossword and competitions and much, much more!

See below for recent backlist issues you may have missed!