
Virgin Books

Doctor Who Missing Adventures Paperback Book - EVOLUTION by John Peel

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Brand new copy of this out-of-print Virgin title in near-mint to mint condition.

Evolution by John Peel


'Someone is tampering with the fabric of the human cell,' the Doctor said darkly, 'perverting its secrets to his own purposes.'

Sarah Jane wants to meet her fellow journalist Rudyard Kipling, and the Doctor sets the co-ordinates for England, Earth, in the Victorian Age. As usual, the TARDIS materializes in not quite the right place, and the time travellers find themselves pursued across Devon moorland by a large feral hound.

Children have gone missing; at the local boarding school, the young Rudyard Kipling has set up search parties. Lights have been seen beneath the waters of the bay, and fishermen have been pulled from their boats and mutilated. Graves have been robbed of their corpses. Something is going on, and Arthur Conan Doyle, the ship's doctor from a recently berthed arctic whaler, is determined to investigate.

The Doctor and Doyle join forces to uncover a macabre scheme to interfere with human evolution - and both Sarah Jane and Kipling face a terrifying transmogrification.