As the Time War rages across the cosmos, an unlikely crew of outcasts form a pact to end the conflict once and for all. Their target: a legendary warrior, whose assassination at a precise point in history will create a chain reaction that sets the whole universe free...
- Jonathon Carley (The War Doctor)
- Isla Blair (Pars)
- Phillipe Bosher (Regent Lunim Alius Rorg)
- Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks)
- Simon Kane (Bevvakk The Squirrn)
- Adam Martyn (The Blind Bomb Maker)
- Amanda Shodeko (Ormarelle)
- Andrew James Spooner (Og-One / Og-Two)
Producer David Richardson
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
- Product Format: 3-disc CD (jewel case in slipcover)
- Number of Discs: 3
- Duration: 223 minutes